Prevent Injury with Easily Installed Thermostatic Mixing Valves
03 February 2014
A thermostatic mixing valve is a valve that blends hot water with cold water to ensure a constant and safe temperature which prevents scalding. Risk Factors Hot water scald injuries are the second most common burn injuries for all people and are common with non-compensating type shower or tub/shower valves in the bathroom. Scalding injuries commonly happens at home, most […]
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Benefits of Hiring a Professional Plumber
16 January 2014
It’s unfortunate that, evidently, many of us are out to get professional plumbers. They say that a plumber’s job is either a racket to swindle the ignorant out of their hard-earned money or is work so easy that any ape could do it. Regardless the variations of these ill-conceived assumptions which you may have heard of (or read about) already, […]
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12 December 2013
Plumbing is something most of us take for granted. The pipe system within most modern homes operates at such low stress levels that many people can go their entire lives without needing a plumber. Because of this, few of us really think about what a plumber does or in what situations his service could be crucial. The first thing to […]
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Asbestos Removal
29 November 2013
While everyone has heard the word ‘asbestos’ in connection with health issues, most do not know exactly what it is or why it is dangerous. Below, we will explore this, along with how to detect and remove it. What is Asbestos? Asbestos is a subject that for a long time was considered the ideal insulation. For protecting people from injury […]
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Burst pipe: rescue tape?
23 November 2013
One of the things that we have developed to make plumbing repairs easier is rescue tape. As a concept, it is brilliant. Instead of cutting out and replacing a section of ruptured pipe, it is now possible to wrap the damaged area with rescue tape and have the pipe work fine for years to come. The technique is not, however, […]
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