
How does a Rainwater Harvesting System work?

03 December 2014

Rainwater, which is not always abundant, is a gift from the heaven. It falls from the sky and finds its way into to the rivers, lakes and ultimately the sea. Eventually, it evaporates and returns to the sky from which it comes. Why not store rain water for later personal use? Catching rainwater and storing it is a great idea! […]

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What are Flushometres

24 November 2014

Flushometers are the devices that are often seen in public toilets which serve as the mechanism used to flush urinals and toilets with water. How they work is actually quite simple. Flushometers work by regulating water flow with enough pressure to effectively flush out urinals and toilets of human wastes. As a regulating device, it cuts down high pressure water […]

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Sewer Drains and what you need to Know

11 November 2014

You probably know that a sewer drain transports waste water from your property to the main sewers underground. But what else do you know besides that? If something were to happen to your drain, you won’t be able to find out what’s wrong unless you actually understand what is going on. A better understanding of sewer drains will help you […]

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What is ECO-Plumbing

31 October 2014

What is ECO-Plumbing? ECO-Plumbing is a practice of plumbers to save their clients money by utilizing economic means to reduce maintenance and repair costs in residential and commercial properties. And, usually these types of plumber are also environmentally savvy in their profession. Water conservation is always on the mind of ECO-plumbers. Water is the most important element in our homes […]

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Join-A-Gutter box gutter system: What is a Box Gutter?

10 October 2014

Maintaining a building starts from the top down, whether it is a residential, commercial, warehouse or storage property, all things associated with the roof should be the main concern. And, this includes the gutter system. Why is a building’s gutter system a main concern? Water can fall from the sky at anytime, and does in some areas all year long. […]

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