

12 December 2013

Plumbing is something most of us take for granted. The pipe system within most modern homes operates at such low stress levels that many people can go their entire lives without needing a plumber. Because of this, few of us really think about what a plumber does or in what situations his service could be crucial. The first thing to […]

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Asbestos Removal

29 November 2013

While everyone has heard the word ‘asbestos’ in connection with health issues, most do not know exactly what it is or why it is dangerous. Below, we will explore this, along with how to detect and remove it. What is Asbestos? Asbestos is a subject that for a long time was considered the ideal insulation. For protecting people from injury […]

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Burst pipe: rescue tape?

23 November 2013

One of the things that we have developed to make plumbing repairs easier is rescue tape. As a concept, it is brilliant. Instead of cutting out and replacing a section of ruptured pipe, it is now possible to wrap the damaged area with rescue tape and have the pipe work fine for years to come. The technique is not, however, […]

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Blocked or defective sewer: what to do?

23 October 2013

We handymen take pride in being able to deal with situations ourselves. When something goes wrong in the house, we make a beeline for our toolboxes instead of calling someone to help us out. This works great for most maintenance tasks. Sewer problems are not most tasks. Such situations are one of the few where calling a plumber makes far […]

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Sewers and Drains explained

10 October 2013

What is the difference between a sewer and a drain? Why are they separate? Will this change? For something that is present in every modern household, there is an amazing lack of knowledge concerning sewers and drains. Below, we will attempt to answer some questions and explore what changes the future will likely bring to these basic plumbing elements. What […]

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